Japanese researchers invent electric wave sensors to prevent cars from falling asleep

[China Instrument Network Instrument Research and Development] Recently, researchers at the Kyushu Institute of Technology in Japan developed a new type of electric wave sensor that can prevent the car from falling asleep. The sensor can detect the driver’s drowsy state by sending electric waves to the driver and issue warnings. .

(Image from the Internet, invaded)
According to a report recently published by the Japan Economic News, a radio wave sensor invented by Prof. Sato Ning of Kyushu Institute of Technology can be installed in front of the driver. The driver does not need to wear any equipment. The sensor can send weak waves to the driver. , and detect the body waves reflected back.
When the driver is asleep, the heart rate changes, and the degree to which the electric wave is absorbed by the body changes. Therefore, the intensity of the reflected electric wave reflected by the body is also different. If the sensor finds that the driver's heart rate is abnormal, it will automatically sound an alarm.
Compared with the previous technology for detecting the driver's eyelid movement, such a detection technique does not require the driver to wear any device, nor is it affected by the driver's posture and movement, and therefore is more convenient and practical. Researchers plan to sell the sensor to automakers in March next year.
(Original Title: Japan Invented Radio Wave Sensor Prevents Driving Drowsiness)

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